This project was a collaboration with the creative teams(1 copywriter and 2 Art directors) to run a campaign for the Alzheimer’s Association. For this brief, I used the strategy brief, to put together a strategy video to introduce the campaign concepts.
Strategy Video
Project Background
Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States and the only one of the top ten without a means to prevent, cure or slow its progression.
Who cares for the Family Caregivers?
During our brainstorming sessions, we identified that, as the emphasis continues to be on the patients suffering with Alzheimers, the role of caregivers can easily be overlooked. So we set the campaign to put a spotlight on more than 15 million caregivers providing unpaid assistance - Situations where a wife becomes a nurse and the reality of growing old as her partner of 57 years forgets who she is.
~ Alzheimer's Association,2015
The Goals of the campaign was grounded on 3 pillars of truth
Caregiving can seem like a thankless act.
Give a shout out to caregivers even from the people who can’t say it.
Caregiving doesn't come with a manual
Show Alzheimer’s Association as the resource centre for family caregivers
Caregiving can be a job in isolation
Rally the general public to give family caregivers a shout out and donate to the cause.
Marketing Target: The Informal Caregivers
In 2018, the Alzheimer’s Association estimated that there are, 16.1 million caregivers provided 18.4 billion hours of unpaid care valued at $220 billion.
Approximately two-thirds of caregivers are women; more specifically, over one-third of dementia caregivers are daughters.
The Problem
Being thrust into the role of caregiver doesn’t come with an instruction manual. Most family caregivers are not prepared for their new role: falling into stress and depression as they witness the decline of their loved one, due to Alzheimer’s, in isolation.
The Alzheimer's Association reports that 60% of caregivers are under high or very high stress, 40% suffer from depression, and 74% report they are concerned about maintaining their own health since becoming a caregiver
The role of a caregiver can easily be overlooked as the patient’s life remains a priority. However, a person with Alzheimer's will have an improved remainder of their life if their caregiver is properly cared for.
The Creative Challenge
We set out to highlight the Alzheimer's Association as a resource for support by honouring family caregivers with what loved ones would tell them if they were able.
The Big Idea
They would thank you if they could.
The Roll-outs
- Video Campaign .60 -
- Out-Of Home -
- Website Landing Page -
Why we believe this will work
The Alzheimer’s Association was founded in 1980 by a group of family caregivers and individuals who recognize the need for an organization that would unite caregivers, provide support to those facing Alzheimer’s and advance research into the disease.